Shahdag Tourist Center

Shahdag Tourist Center
MKT Production Commercial LLC ООО “MKT İstehsalat Kommersiya”
About the company: MKT Production Commercial LLC has over 25 years’ experience in the non-oil sector of the Azerbaijani economy. The company's main activity is to grow cotton in 15 out of the country’s 20 cotton-growing regions, as well as to supply and process it at ginneries in which the company has a controlling stake.
The company produces yarn, cottonseed oil, cottonseed and cotton yarn, mainly out of mullein, cotton, as well as lint, wool and mohair from raw cotton.
Operating within the LLC are cotton processing, storage and innovation farms located in the regions, as well as the Baku Textile branch and Mingachevir Textile Park which produce different kinds of yarn out of raw cotton, and Shirvan cottonseed oil mill.
Address: 95, Heydar Aliyev ave., Baku, AZ1029, Azerbaijan Tel.: (+994 12) 497-13-04
Executive Director
Rovshan Hasanov