Union Logistics

Union Logistics
About the company: As the company with extensive experience in the international transportation, Union Logistics launched its operations in the Central Asian region in 2012. Since 2014, the company has been transporting goods from China to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and RF. Since 2018 the company has been engaged in the process of transporting freight from Türkiye to Russia via Central Asia. Union Logistics with a large team of professionals has four warehouses under its management in China. The company achieved great success in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, which led to the opening of a new branch of the company in Azerbaijan in 2022. Within a short period of time the company has signed contracts with the railways of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Nowadays, with its long-term experience Union Logistics is able to deliver goods from China to Azerbaijan in 15-25 days.
Address:  41/47, Mardanov brothers str., Baku, Azerbaijan  
Tel.:  (+994 10) 260-10-02 / 05
E-mail:  info@unionlogistics.com.tr    URL: www.unionlogistics.com.tr