Telman Aliyev appointed Caspian Energy IMG Chairman 25 years later

Telman Aliyev has been appointed a Chairman of the Board of Caspian Energy International Media Group. This was reported by the press service of Caspian Energy Club. 

According to Telman Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of Caspian Energy International Media Group, he will be fulfilling his duties within the next five years. 

“Published in every issue of the Caspian Energy journal released in 70 countries across the world are interviews of Presidents and PMs of the CIS/EU countries, interviews of heads of large transnational companies, and comments of leading experts and analytical articles.  According to different estimates, the Caspian Energy journal is ranked among the top 5 flagship publications of the Caspian, Black Sea and Baltic regions. The journal serves as a reference point for many investors who wish to define their areas of activity in these regions”, Telman Aliyev emphasized. 

“Our major goal is to carry out a digital transformation and structuring of our projects within the Caspian Energy International Media Group, to update a general material-technical base, to split the Media Group into energy and business segments, as well as expand our readership”, Telman Aliyev noted. 

Telman Aliyev has said that plans to infuse a new spark and life into the TV and radio channels, a photo agency, analytical information portal, “Tellmann Show” and other media projects of Caspian Energy International Media Group. Telman Aliyev also told about plans to merge the existing Financial journal, Construction journal, Industry journal, Telekom journal, Autoclub, Salam Azerbaijan! (tourism) and other publications into the single project under the working title  ‘Energy for Business’ (E4Business journal).

“This year we are celebrating a double anniversary. As is known, the Contract of the Century turns 30 and the Caspian Energy brand is marking its 25th anniversary. It was following the signing of the Contract of the Century that the current management team of Caspian Energy started working actively in the oil-gas area. 30 years after the signing of the Contract of the Century it is doubly pleasing to see Azerbaijan in the limelight of the world community again. This year Azerbaijan will be hosting the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UNFCCC.As the leading media organization in the Caspian, Black Sea and Baltic regions, I think that Caspian Energy International Media Group should actively promote COP29 and support the use of innovative and ecological technologies in the country’s oil and non-oil sectors. We are confident that our publication broadly covering the COP-29-related events and processes will be the voice reflecting changes which will occur after this event in Azerbaijan and the international community as a whole”, Telman Aliyev concluded.